Monday, August 14, 2006

Camper massage program

Hey guys....Master Steven Lloyd has been giving free massages at the PWA campouts for a while now and has been overwhelmed with work, so he is asking for your help. If you are a massage therapist and would like to offer free massages to the campers, read his letter below. For anyone looking for info on the poz campout, scroll down.

Hello HAPPY CAMPERS,A couple notes on the LVL-PWA CAMPOUT'S Volunteer Massage Therapy Program.First of all I'm glad to say I've gotten one other Therapist offering his services. However I'd like a roster of 6-8 Therapist to pull from, as NOT every Therapist will be available for every campout. For this reason I'd like to ask ya'll again to talk up the program in your hometown and refer anyone that may be intrested to me. I think by drawing from other cities throught the state that we would only help premote the campouts also.Also...I AM planning to attent the Sept. 22-24th Campout (if my employer allows for the weekend off.) So pass the word on to your friends & look for the sign up sheet at the registration table (& please DO NOT QUESTION JOHN S. (CAMP COORDINATOR) about massage. He has more than enough on his plate.Lastly, I had a camper from Austin come up to me at the spring weekend & offer his assistance. It was Sunday morning though & I was exausted & didn't get his contact information for that reason. If anyone knows a camper named "Hector" who is a Mssage Therapist in Austin ask him if he is the one that spoke /w me. Then please...if the answer was yes, give him me contact information.Thank You ALL.In Leather Service,Mr Steven Lloyd Lamb, RMTLVL-PWA CAMPOUTSVolunteer Massage Therapy Coordinaton/Founder& "MASTER of LEATHER 2003"aka "Master Steven Lloyd"2118 Elmen St.studioONEHouston, TX 77019-6802(832)